price stabilization law for goods and services|price stabilization law for goods and service in English

governmental rule established mainly to keep certain goods and services at the public's economic reach

Use "price stabilization law for goods and services|price stabilization law for goods and service" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "price stabilization law for goods and services|price stabilization law for goods and service" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "price stabilization law for goods and services|price stabilization law for goods and service", or refer to the context using the word "price stabilization law for goods and services|price stabilization law for goods and service" in the English Dictionary.

1. Support and price stabilization fund

2. The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods.

3. Goods price quotation agencies for abroad and domestic factories and stores

4. It shall be the sole instrument of market intervention for price stabilization in this Agreement.

5. Thus conversion of surplus grains and agricultural biomass can help in price stabilization.

6. (d) whether the stabilization of price of Uranium has been ensured?

7. Long- distance telephone service sold on price, price, price; fast- food restaurants with all their value pricing; and even the Internet is commoditizing not just goods, but services as well.

8. Long-distance telephone service sold on price, price, price; fast-food restaurants with all their value pricing; and even the Internet is commoditizing not just goods, but services as well.

9. Affordability is a function of income, spending, and judgments about the value of goods and services for their price

10. Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) - A measure of price changes in consumer goods and services such as gasoline , food , clothing and automobiles .

11. A consumer price index (CPI) is a measure estimating the average price of consumer goods and services purchased by households.

12. Because markets for many environmental goods and services are either missing or incomplete, producers and consumers receive misleading price signals.

13. He substituted lower price labels for those on the goods.

14. He sells poor goods and charges fancy price.

15. The Consumer Price Index or CPI is measured from a sample of goods and services.

16. Kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods.

17. • the selling price in Canada of like goods imported from a designated country, adjusted for price comparability.

18. Enter in the second subdivision the invoiced price for all goods declared.

19. Because the price for someone rises, the quantity of goods traded decreases.

20. We Kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods.

21. Some goods have almost trebled in price.

22. This clause includes description of goods, quantity and unit price.

23. The economic concept of the law of one price holds that identical goods should have the same price in different markets and the differences should be reflected in the currency exchange rates .

24. The seller quotes a price for the goods that includes charges for delivery of the goods alongside a vessel at the port.

25. Credence goods often exhibit a direct relationship between price and demand, similar to Veblen goods, when the price is the only possible indicator of quality